D. Heilman
© 2017 D. Heilman
StellarSolace is a personal website dedicated to my pursuits in astronomy and astrophotography. In addition to my gallery, you'll find information on image capture, my gear, print requests, and some of my other astronomy adventures. My hope is that this site will inspire others to take an interest not just in astronomy, but in the many branches of science that pull back the veil on our natural world.
Most of the targets in this gallery exist within our own galaxy. They are the wondrous nebulae that showcase the stunning birth and death of stars just a few thousand light years away. Go further and you’ll escape our galaxy and trade nebulosity for the vastness of deep space. We then find floating among us, yet millions of light years away, the myriad of galaxies that decorate our Universe. I wonder what the odds are of an alien astronomer snapping a picture of our galaxy right now? Smile… the odds are pretty good.
Keep looking up!
"The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. From it we have learned most of what we know. Recently, we have waded a little out to sea, enough to dampen our toes or, at most, wet our ankles. The water seems inviting."
- Carl Sagan